Russell Brand denies rape and sexual abuse allegations, Dolly Parton stopped Elvis from recording hit song

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RUSSELL ROCKED – Russell Brand accused of rape, sexual abuse of 4 women; comedian denies ‘serious criminal allegations.’ Continue reading here…

‘I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU’ – Dolly Parton stopped Elvis from recording hit song for one reason. Continue reading here…

A series of photos showing Kate Middleton deploying a life vest from deflated, to partially inflated, to fully inflated

Kate Middleton braced herself for impact as she deployed a life vest at the Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS) Yeovilton. (Karwai Tang/Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

COMMODORE KATE – Kate Middleton braces for life vest mishap during first royal outing in new military role. Continue reading here…

ROCKET MAN – Elton John’s lyricist Bernie Taupin recalls star’s struggles with addiction: ‘Drugs are the big lie.’ Continue reading here…

‘ERROR IN JUDGMENT’ – Ashton Kutcher resigns from anti-child sex abuse nonprofit after Danny Masterson support letter backlash. Continue reading here…

Jack Osbourne in a ski jacket for 'Special Forces' and black cap split Ozzy Osbourne sticking out his tongue at a table with his granddaughter also sticking out her tongue on his lap

Jack Osbourne shared how his parents Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne help take care of his four daughters, admitting there are things they won’t do. (FOX/Getty Images/Jack Osbourne Instagram)

‘HELL NO’ – Ozzy Osbourne’s son Jack reveals what rocker refuses to do as grandparent. Continue reading here…

STAR SIGHTINGS – Kate Winslet, Gisele Bündchen and Leni Klum show off risqué fashion trend. Continue reading here…

‘I HAVE TO OBJECT’ – Steve Martin shuts down Miriam Margolyes’ claim he hit her during filming ‘Little Shop of Horrors.’ Continue reading here…

‘SOAK UP THE SUN’ – Sheryl Crow admits moving from Los Angeles to Tennessee ‘saved my life.’ Continue reading here…

Amy Schumer in a black dress split Nicole Kidman in a pink dress watching the US Open

Amy Schumer clarified her deleted post about actress Nicole Kidman. (Getty Images/Splash)

CLEARING THE AIR – Amy Schumer clarifies Nicole Kidman joke: ‘I was not making fun of how she looks.’ Continue reading here…






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