Jeffrey Epstein sex abuse case: British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty

Ghislaine Maxwell, 60, is up for a tough life ahead as she was convicted on charges of luring underage girls to engage in sexual acts with Jeffrey Epstein. The judgement came after jurors discussed the case for a full five days before finding the socialite guilty on five out of six counts. She now faces 65 years in prison. 

She has been convicted for enticing Epstein’s victims. Four women alleged that Ghislaine Maxwell recruited them into having sex with Epstein in the 1990s and early 2000s. Who’s Who in the Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal

One woman, Annie Farmer, testified that Maxwell had given her a massage when she was 16 during a visit to Epstein’s New Mexico ranch. She testified that Maxwell instructed her to roll over and then rubbed her upper breasts. Another woman accused Maxwell of also participating sometimes in these sexual acts. 

Prosecutors also showed that Maxwell had received $30.7 million from Epstein from 1999 to 2007, and argued that the payments underscored her complicity in Epstein’s crimes.

The socialite was arrested in New Hampshire in July 2020, an year after Epstein committed suicide. Epstein had been arrested on charges of running a sex-trafficking operation that involved dozens of girls, some as young as 14. Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide by hanging in his jail cell in August 2019.

Also see: Jeffrey Epstein: How the man with famous friends fell apart

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