Watch: Donald Trump is the ‘most honest human being perhaps God has ever created’. Guess who said it

Former United States President Donald Trump is the “most honest human being God has ever created”, he himself said it when he spoke at a rally in Selma, North Carolina on Saturday evening (April 9). 

A burst of laughter followed after Trump’s “the most simple human being” remarks at a rally. He quoted one of his friends as saying, “‘You know, you’ve been investigated years and years, millions and millions of pages of documents, they found nothing. You are the cleanest on Earth when you think about it.'” 

Trump then said, “I’ve got to be the cleanest sheriff. I think I’m the most simple human being, perhaps, that God ever created.” 

Amid multiple investigations, including his alleged involvement in the US Capitol attacks, Trump’s remarks went viral on social media. 

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Recently, Trump defended his conduct during the US Capitol assault in an incendiary interview published last week, saying he did not regret summoning his rioting supporters to Washington. 

He told The Washington Post he would have accompanied his ultra-loyal followers as they marched on the complex on January 6 last year, but was stopped by his security detail. 

He offered no contrition for whipping up the crowd with bogus claims that victory was stolen from him through widespread fraud — although he was clear in his condemnation of the violence that ensued. 

“Secret Service said I couldn’t go. I would have gone there in a minute,” he said, in the wide-ranging interview, adding that it was the largest crowd he had ever spoken to. 

On January 6, 2021, thousands of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol last year in an effort to halt the peaceful transfer of power after Joe Biden won a decisive victory in 2020, described by the government as one of the most secure elections in US history. 

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(With inputs from agencies) 

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