US President Biden signs sweeping executive order to cut AI risks to public, national security

United States President Joe Biden, on Monday (Oct 30) signed an ambitious executive order amid a rise in concerns about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and has sought to reduce the risks which the technology poses to consumers, workers, minority groups and national security. 

The executive order signed at the White House requires developers of AI systems that pose risks to the country’s national security, public health or safety and economy to share the results of the safety tests and other information with the US government, in line with the Defense Production Act, before launching it to the public. 

‘AI is all around us’: Biden

Prior to signing the order, the US president said “AI is all around us,” and that the technology is driving change at “warp speed”. He also noted AI carries tremendous potential as well as perils and to “realize the promise of AI and avoid the risk, we need to govern this technology.”

He added, “In the wrong hands AI can make it easier for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities in the software that makes our society run.”

In line with the new order, the country’s Commerce Department will “develop guidance for content authentication and watermarking” for labelling items that are generated by AI, said the White House. 

Meanwhile, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is tasked with creating standards to ensure AI tools are safe and secure before they are released to the public. 

The government agencies, in line with the order signed, have also been asked to set standards for AI-related testing and address related chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and cybersecurity risks. 

Notably, the new order also goes beyond the voluntary commitments made by tech giants and AI companies including OpenAI, Alphabet, and Meta which promised to watermark AI-generated content to make the technology safer.

An ‘urgent issue’

“We can’t move at a normal government pace,” White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients recalled the US president giving his staff a directive while formulating the executive order and asking them to move with urgency. He added, “We have to move as fast, if not faster, than the technology itself.” 

Biden believes that the government was late to address the risks of social media and now American youth are grappling with mental issues related it to, reported the Associated Press. 

Therefore, while AI has the positive ability to accelerate cancer research, help us understand the impacts of climate change and more, it could also warp basic notions of truth with fake images, and worsen racial and social inequalities. 

The guidance within the order is to be implemented and fulfilled over the range of 90 days to 365 days. 

Previously, US officials have warned that AI can heighten the risk of bias and civil rights violations. 

Therefore, Biden’s executive order has also sought to call for guidance to landlords, federal benefits programs and federal contractors “to keep AI algorithms from being used to exacerbate discrimination,” said the White House. 

(With inputs from agencies)


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