Top 10 world news: IAEA team at Zaporizhzhia, Russia military drill, more news

A team of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reached Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant for inspection. The team is led by IAEA chief Rafael Grossi. In other news Russia has kickstarted military exercise in its Far East. India and China are taking part in the war games as well. Read this and more in Top 10 world news.

‘Saw what we needed to see’: IAEA team at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine

Earlier in the day, Ukraine’s state nuclear company Energoatom accused Moscow and stated that the Russian shelling had forced the shutdown of one of the only two operating reactors at the plant.

Taiwan shoots down ‘civilian’ drone for the first time off Chinese coast

Since the visit of United States  House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, China has been conducting military drills near the Taiwan Strait and a number of aircraft entered Taiwanese airspace in the last couple of weeks. In August alone, 440 Chinese aircraft crossed the Taiwanese border, AFP reported. 


Russia begins military drills in Far East; India and China among participants

The Russian defence ministry released images showing military aircraft taking off and flying in formation, as well as Pantsir anti-aircraft vehicles conducting manoeuvres. Besides China, other participating countries include Syria, India, Belarus, Mongolia and Tajikistan.


Poland pegs World War II losses at $1.32 trillion, wants Germany to pay reparations

Germany has maintained that all financial claims linked to World War II have been settled and points to a 1953 decision by Poland to renunciate reparation claims against East Germany.


Beijing rejects UN report on human rights abuses of Uighurs in Xinjiang, terms it ‘smear’ campaign

The UN posted a sternly worded protest by China along with its report in which China’s diplomatic mission in Geneva said it firmly opposed the release of the UN assessment.


Gibraltar collision: Two tank vents leaking oil from bulk carrier OS 35 sealed

The LNG tanker, ADAM LNG, was not significantly affected by the collision, according to local authorities. No one was injured in the accident. The 24 crew members of the carrier were evacuated.


Putin not to attend Gorbachev’s funeral due to ‘schedule’ constraints

Kremlin said that Putin has already paid respects to the departed Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev’s funeral will have ‘elements’ of a state funeral, including a guard of honour, and that the state was helping the organisation.


Malaysia’s former first lady Rosmah Mansor sentenced to 10 years in jail for graft

Rosmah will also have to pay a fine of $216.45 million – a record amount in Malaysia’s history – over three bribery charges, Kuala Lumpur High Court Judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan said, adding that the prosecution proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt 


Portugal health minister steps down after pregnant Indian woman dies: Report

The pregnant Indian woman died on Saturday after she was transferred on Tuesday from Hospital de Santa Maria to Hospital Sao Francisco Xavier, reported ANI. She was getting transferred because of the lack of vacancies in the neonatology service. 


Nearly 65% of Britons don’t feel any sympathy or compassion for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

The couple’s popularity fell precipitously when they announced that they would stop serving as working royals and will move to the United States.


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