Private hospitals in Hong Kong could be punished for refusing non-Covid patients

Private hospitals in Hong Kong are currently under the microscope for refusing to admit non-Covid patients, transferred from the public hospitals. According to a SCMP report, if the trend continues, the authorities in the country might punish such private hospitals with drastic measures. 

“If the private hospitals remain uncooperative, the government could impose harsh conditions related to the ‘land grants’, even though this is considered as one of the last resorts,” secretary for health Lo Chung-mau was quoted as saying by the publication. 

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Reportedly, only 20 to 30 out of 100 public hospital patients referred to private hospitals were being admitted on a daily basis, forcing authorities to turn up the dial. 

“Despite 13 private hospitals pledging 364 beds for public hospital patients, only five facilities had reached 60 per cent of their targets and three had taken in none so far,” said an official quoting the numbers. 

This reluctance by the private hospitals appears rather quizzical when the government is granting a subsidy of nearly $510 on the transfer of some of the non-Covid patients.

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In some cases, the private hospitals were extremely picky and chose only those patients that could yield the most profitable returns during treatment.

Meanwhile, in other cases, the private hospitals argued that the government needed to refine its referral process. 

According to data available, the total number of Covid cases has crossed the 1.5 million mark in the former British colony. Moreover, with four more deaths reported on Saturday, the total death tally has reached 9,441.

The situation across mainland China and outside it in terms of Covid is not a pretty one. Akin to China, Hong Kong has also imposed hard quarantine rules, forcing the country’s economy to take a beating. 

As reported by WION, Hong Kong’s economy shrank by 1.4 per cent in the second quarter of 2022, compared to the same period last year. Moreover, 113,200 residents left the country, leading to a third consecutive year where the country’s population shrank. 

Read more: Hong Kong’s population declines for a third consecutive year; Chinese influence to be blamed

(With inputs from agencies)


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