Morning news brief: North Korean missile test, Biden administration’s legal troubles, and more

As per reports, the Biden Administration in the US is readying itself to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars for legal battles against subpoenas it is expecting on its mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, the army withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the Hunter Biden saga. In other news, in an effort to limit China’s ability to purchase and produce advanced electronics with military applications, the United States announced a sweeping set of export controls on Friday, in response Beijing has lashed out and called the rules “malicious”.

Click on the headlines to read more: 

Biden administration shelling $265,000 to protect itself from legal troubles

If reports are to be believed, the White House is shelling out as much as $265,000 in salaries to fend off the legal battles coming its way. According to a New York Post report, the Joe Biden administration is expecting a flurry of subpoenas as the opposition targets the government for its mishandling of the Covid pandemic, the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the Hunter Biden saga. 

China responds angrily after US announces chip export restrictions

A day after the US announced sweeping export controls on advanced, high-performance computing chips, China has lashed out and criticised Washington for its malicious block. 

North Korea carries out fresh test, fires two ballistic missiles: Reports

South Korea’s military said that North Korea fired two ballistic missiles in early hours on Sunday (local time). This is the latest in a series of launches from North Korea amid tensions over US-led military exercises. The South Korean military’s joint chiefs of staff announced the launches from the southeast of the country — the seventh and eighth in two weeks — without giving further details.

USA: Abortion ban halted in Ohio and Arizona

In what comes as a minuscule victory for pro-abortion activists, courts in the US states of Ohio and Arizona on Friday halted abortion bans. 

Watch | Iran: Demonstrations enter their fourth week; schoolgirls at the forefront of protests

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