Mayim Bialik makes directorial film debut with ‘As They Made Us’

The movie, centered around a dysfunctional family with a dying father, was also written by the “Jeopardy” host.
Bialik told USA Today that she began writing the movie after her father died in 2015. The film stars Dianna Agron, Dustin Hoffman and Candice Bergen.

“I consider the whole thing this wonderful accident,” Bialik told the publication. “There’s a very specific year of mourning that we do in traditional Judaism. After that year, I felt an urge that I’ve never felt before to start putting down in writing a lot of my experiences and memories of grief. And literally, I ended up with a screenplay. I’ve never written one before.”

Agron plays Abigail, a single mom looking after her sick father. Bergen plays her mother, who is in denial.

Bialik’s “Big Bang” co-star Simon Helberg plays her estranged brother.

The film was shot in 2021 in New Jersey.

“As They Made Us” will be in theaters and on demand April 8.

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