Is Halloween stuff out? At Michaels, Home Depot its earlier every year

Shoppers are already looking for spooky decorations in the summer months, retailers say.

It’s a hot summer day. You head to the store to grab a few items; maybe groceries, maybe a few things you need for that home project. You walk through the doors into the much-needed air conditioning and then you spot it: a jack-o-lantern staring at you atop an orange and black display dotted with fun-sized candy and grinning skulls.

If your first thought is “Halloween already!? It comes earlier every year!” you are certainly not the first. While many stores hold off on fully stocking for the spooky holiday until at least late August or early September, it’s not exactly unusual to see displays popping up as early as the first or second week of July.

Walk into a Michael’s Arts and Crafts any time after July 7th this year and you’ll find the Halloween season in full swing, for example. Others roll out Halloween merchandise online well before ushering it into stores, such as Home Goods, which launched an entire tab dedicated to Halloween on its website last month.

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