Did Trump’s hotel profit from his presidency? Democrats think so

Democrats from US House of Representatives have unearthed information that may attract allegations that former US president Donald Trump profitted from state visits during his presidency. It has reportedly been found that foreign dignitaries including from Saudi Arabia and China, spent about USD 750,000 on their stay in Trump-owned Waldorf Astoria. This may renew scrutiny about whether Trump profitted from his time in the Oval Office.

The documents have been obtained from Trump’s longtime accounting firm Mazars USA. The information was obtained by a subpoena. The documents even have Hotel ledgers and receipts.

House Oversight and Reform Committee chairwoman Caroly Maloney said that documents “sharply call into question the extent to which President Trump was guided by his personal financial interest while in office rather than the best interests of the American people.”

Maloney was quoted by CBS News 

She wrote a letter to acting US archivist and said that the documents obtained by the committee show that governments of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, The UAE and even China spent large amount of money at the Trump International Hotel during the same time period when they were seeking to influence US foreign policy.

Also Read | Court filings show Trump handled ‘classified’ documents after leaving office

For instance, the documents reportedly show that in 2017, when Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak had come to US. His delegation spent at least USD 259,724 for an eight-day stay at the hotel. Rate of one night’s stay in the presidential suite was USD 10,000. The delegation also took “coffee breaks” worth USD 9229.

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