Dakota Johnson and Andrew Garfield recall meeting on set of ‘The Social Network’

In a conversation for Vanity Fair, the two actors talked their time on set of “The Social Network” in 2010.

Their friend Jesse Eisenberg, who starred in the film as Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, didn’t break character much, according to Johnson and Garfield.

“You and Jesse were so busy on that movie, and I was obviously in it for four seconds, but I spent a few days on set just watching,” Johnson said. “I remember sitting down with you guys when you were having lunch one day, and you asked me loads of questions. You were really nice and Jesse didn’t acknowledge me.” Adding, “He was probably in character.”

Garfield responded, “There was maybe some of the Zuckerberg coming through in that moment. He was probably overwhelmed by …” he said before trailing off.

With Johnson cheekily jumping in with, “By beauty.”

“By your beauty, yes,” Garfield said laughing.

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