White House is ‘encouraging President Xi to reach out to President Zelenskyy,’ but no confirmation of meeting

U.S. officials have been encouraging Chinese President Xi Jinping to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy…

Nevada lawmakers eye plan to restrict Las Vegas water supply, citing climate change: ‘Worst case scenario’

Nevada state lawmakers are considering a plan to give water authorities the power to limit the…

Elizabeth Smart rescue 20 years on: family spox says Utah police ‘sabotaged’ family’s efforts to ID kidnapper

Utah police “sabotaged” efforts Elizabeth Smart’s family made to identify and locate Brian David Mitchell, the…

Activists blame Italy’s slow response time for death of 30 migrants off Libya coast

An activist network that supports rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea is accusing Italy of failing…

UN head calls for scientist to serve ‘cold, hard facts’ that will push governments to curb climate change

The head of the United Nations called Monday for scientists to serve up “cold, hard facts”…

Border Patrol staffer questioned whether Ariz. rancher was ‘crazy’ when calling about alleged drug traffickers

A Border Patrol staffer is heard in a call questioning whether Arizona rancher George Alan Kelly…

Former Haiti mayor accused of torturing, killing his political opponents heads to court in Boston

The former mayor of a small Haitian town accused of terrorizing his political opponents goes on…

Man catches fish with bare hands in flooded California street: ‘Going to have dinner tonight’

California man catches fish in floodwaters A driver caught a fish by hand on the street…

Shuttered Fairfield Lake State Park will reopen temporarily starting Tuesday

Sign up for The Brief, The Texas Tribune’s daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed…

Thousands of junior doctors go on strike across England to demand better pay

Tens of thousands of junior doctors went on strike across England on Monday to demand better…