Brazil’s presidential palace, Congress, Supreme Court attacked by Bolsonaro’s supporters

In a repeat of what the US witnessed following Joe Biden’s election as President in 2021, Brazil’s Congress, presidential palace and Supreme Court were under attack from former president Jair Bolsonaro’s supporters Sunday. The capital’s security forces were initially overwhelmed by the invaders, forcing Leftist President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to announce a federal security intervention in Brasilia lasting until January 31. 

Lula, who was inaugurated on January 1, blamed Bolsonaro for inflaming his supporters. The latter has been making baseless allegations about potential election fraud after losing to Lula due to divisive nationalist populism. He has not conceded defeat till date.

At least 400 people were arrested following the riots, Ibaneis Rocha, the governor of the country’s Federal District, said.

Questions were also raised about the under-preparedness of public security forces in the capital Brasilia who were easily overwhelmed by rioters. There has been various incidents leading up to Sunday’s protests and his supporters had also been planning on social media for days to gather for weekend demonstrations.

“These vandals, who we could call … fanatical fascists, did what has never been done in the history of this country,” said Lula in a press conference during an official trip to Sao Paulo state. “All these people who did this will be found and they will be punished.”

Meanwhile, Bolsonaro also came out and slammed the rioters for “depredations and invasions of public buildings” in Brasília.

Bolsonaro tweeted that “peaceful demonstrations, respecting the law, are part of democracy.”

“However, depredations and invasions of public buildings as occurred today, as well as those practiced by the left in 2013 and 2017, escape the rule,” he said.

Bolsonaro vouched for how he has always respected the constitution and defended the laws.

“Throughout my mandate, I have always been acting according to the Constitution, respecting and defending the laws, democracy, transparency and our sacred freedom.”

“Today is sad day for the Brazilian nation,” Valdemar Costa Neto, head of Jair Bolsonaro´s right-wing Liberal Party, said in a statement.

(With inputs from agencies)

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