Australia, Canada join list of countries imposing mandatory COVID-19 tests for China arrivals

COVID-19 has again taken up the headlines as it spreads rapidly in its origin country, China. On Sunday, Australia joined the list of countries mandating a negative COVID-19 test before arrival in recognition of the rapidly evolving situation in China. The Health Ministry said that the lack of comprehensive data from Bejing about the number of cases was a reason behind the decision. 

The order will come into effect starting January 5, reported AFP news agency. Mark Butler, Australia’s health minister, said that with this decision, the government wants to ensure the safety of Australian citizens, potentially at risk of the new emerging variants of COVID-19.

Beijing has relaxed its strict zero-Covid policy for the first time in three years. However, the abrupt abandonment led to a surge in COVID-19 cases across China.

The upliftment of the coronavirus policy in China and ease of travel restrictions has resulted in overcrowded hospitals full of elderly patients, overwhelmed crematoriums, and a shortage of fever medication in retail pharmacies. 

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In Australia, more than 97 per cent of adults have had one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. However, authorities in Canberra are concerned about the lack of transparency on case numbers in China. They are also eager to know about the variant in circulation. 

“This measure is in response to the significant wave of Covid-19 infections in China and the potential for emerging viral variants in that country,” Butler told AFP news agency. “Fortunately, in Australia, we have readily available access to vaccines, treatments, and high underlying population immunity,” he added.

After Australia, Canada has also joined the list of nations imposing compulsory negative COVID-19 tests for air passengers from China, Macao, or Hong Kong within 48 hours of travel. On Saturday, the Canadian government announced the restriction that requires all flight passengers above 2 to have a COVID-19 test report. However, the authorities will implement the temporary measure only for 30 days until further information.

Furthermore, Morocco adopted stricter policies when it came to travel from China. The north African country has imposed a ban on people arriving from China despite their nationalities. 

(With inputs from agencies)

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