Are your TV habits keeping you up at night? Study links binge-watching to frequent night time urination

Does how much binge-watching you do have anything to do with how much you pee at night? Turns out the perfect way to unwind may be why you’re not getting quality sleep. 

The research

As per new research published in the journal Neurourology and Urodynamics, a team of researchers from China have concluded that a high majority of people who binge-watch suffer from nocturia — the need to wake up and urinate two or more times a night.

The team analysed the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey’s data from 2011 to 2016. Focusing on 13,294 participants aged 20 and older, they found that 32 per cent reported experiencing nocturia.

After adjusting for factors like age, sex, body mass index, ethnicity, education level, and diabetes status, the researchers discovered that the risk of nocturia was 48 per cent higher for those individuals who watched five or more hours of TV or videos per day compared to those who watched less than an hour.

“To our understanding, this study represents the first exploration of the correlation between TV and/or video viewing time and nocturia,” said the researchers, as reported by The Guardian.

How can binge-watching cause someone to pee?

While the exact link between watching TV and nocturia remains unclear, the researchers suggested several possible explanations. They noted that extended periods of watching TV have been linked to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which happens to be a known risk factor for nocturia. 

Additionally, sedentary behaviour associated with TV watching can lead to fluid retention in the legs, which may also contribute to nocturia.

The researchers also pointed out that TV watching often coincides with increased fluid intake.

“Moreover, TV watching typically aligns with beverage consumption, leading to an elevated fluid intake,” they said. As per the researchers, TV viewing may also lead to neurological disorders that could trigger bladder dysfunction, and TV watching may affect sleep duration or quality.

“And a decrease in sleep quality is closely linked to experiencing nocturia.”

Although the study has its limitations, including its reliance on self-reported data for TV-watching habits and the inability to prove cause and effect, the researchers suggest that healthcare professionals should inform patients about the potential health risks of prolonged TV watching.

“Increasing public awareness of this potential health risk encourages individuals to be more mindful of their TV and/or video time,” they write.

(With inputs from agencies)

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