‘Any kind of Twitter we knew before is dead’: Employees receive emails telling them they have been fired

Ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter, the microblogging site has been flooded with news, hate comments, rumours and whatnot. 

This all began right after Musk took over the app. He immediately fired the top three executives including the CEO, Parag Agarwal, CFO and the legal executive. The top three executives are expected to receive severance of nearly $122 million. 

Lost of changes have already happened or are in process. Especially the change in staffing. After the three executives, the company’s top sales and advertising officials announced their resignations. 

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A week after the deal was finalised, there was a formal announcement between the employees and the company. The first official mail was sent to the workers on Thursday (November 03) which informed them that their fate will be decided the next day, Friday (November 04). The mail sent on Friday confirmed the rumours that 50 per cent of the workers had lost their jobs.

However, there was still no statement from Musk. After 24 hours, Musk on Nov 5 tweeted that there is no choice as the company is losing over four million dollars per month. 


After spending an entire week working on guidelines assigned by Musk, Cornet, an employee was fired after being informed via mail that he had violated the company’s policies. He said that he is still looking for an actual reason. 

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During the on-and-off discussion about whether Musk will acquire the company or not, nearly 700 employees left independently before the deal was finalised, NDTV reported.

A team lead for content moderation in London said, “I feel sorry for anyone who didn’t get fired (to be honest). Elon will run those left into the ground with his hare-brained ideas.” He added, “Any kind of Twitter we knew before is dead.” 

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After the layoffs, the UN human rights chief in an open letter urged Musk to ensure the protection of human rights in Twitter’s management. Not just this, the founder Jack Dorsey recently tweeted apologising to people amid the 50 per cent layoffs. 

Musk has already announced several modifications to the microblogging app. From content moderation to charging $7.99 for verification charges. More changes are yet to come. 

(With inputs from agencies)


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