Amid pandemic, poll reveals Americans have other major concerns

According to a poll, Americans listed economic woes over the pandemic as their main concern even as the pandemic continues to sweep the country.

The coronavirus pandemic was listed by just 37 per cent of people as the top five priorities for the government this year. At least 53 per cent of Americans had listed the virus as a major concern last year. 

At least 68 per cent of people felt the economy was the biggest concern this year for the Biden administration with inflation being one of the major headaches.

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Immigration and gun issues were listed as the other major concerns in the poll. The US is set to go in for crucial mid-term polls with President Biden’s approval ratings already taking a beating amid the coronavirus crisis.

The US economy has been hit by record unemployment even as the US Federal Reserve had pledged aggressive inflation-fighting measures last month.

Last week the US dollar had suffered its biggest percentage drop in weeks after the disappointing December jobs report.

The economic crisis has been heightened with the new Omicron wave which has further disrupted economic development.

Also Read: Biden’s winter Covid plan is aimed at keeping the US economy open

The United States is the worst-hit country due to the virus with over 52 million coronavirus cases and more than 149,900 fatalities since the pandemic began in March 2020.

President Biden while targeting the congressional elections in November had lashed out Republicans saying that they “want to talk down the recovery because they voted against the legislation that made it happen.”

The Republicans have criticised Biden’s spending plans and tax proposals asserting that it will lead to higher inflation. A defiant Joe Biden however said that he would not allow Republicans to “stand in the way of this recovery”.

(With inputs from Agencies)

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