World Hydrography Day: Celebrating the science of mapping the oceans

How do merchant shipping vessels, research vessels naval ships and submarines safely navigate the world’s vast oceans? While modern technologies, sensors, navigational aids, communication tools, GPS etc. play a major role, a lesser-known aspect is the science of Hydrography. It deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of the oceans. Data obtained from hydrographic surveys provide invaluable information that supports a wide range of maritime activities including maritime navigation, construction, dredging, offshore oil exploration, defence, and strategic objectives etc. 

On June 21 every year, the International Hydrographic Organisation (HO) observes World Hydrography Day to raise awareness about how hydrography plays a vital role in improved knowledge of the seas and oceans. The theme for 2023 is ‘Hydrography – Underpinning the Digital Twin of the Ocean’.

In India, the Indian Naval Hydrographic Department (INHD) functions under the Indian Navy as the nodal agency for hydrographic surveys and nautical charting. The department has the mandate to undertake hydrographic surveys and publish navigation charts and has thus far published 650 Electronic and paper navigation charts covering Indian and International waters. These charts are in use by merchant mariners and Navies of the world.

In 2022, this department distributed over six lakh Electronic Navigation Charts to Seafarers operating in these waters, thereby raking in revenue of Rs.70cr or $9mn approx. Covering an area of 26million sqkms of the Indian Ocean, the INHD shares information concerning the safety of navigation at sea through the web module of India WINS – Indian Warnings Information and Navigation Services. Launched in December 2022, this module provides near-real-time information.

Where is Hydrography training imparted in India? 

India’s National Institute of Hydrography (NIH) at Goa, is the centre for imparting training in Hydrography. The institute is accredited by International Hydrographic Organisation for National and International Trainees. So far, the NIH has imparted training to more than 800 candidates from 41nations. 

In line with Indian Government’s SAGAR(Security and Growth For All in the Region) initiative, seven indigenous-built survey ships of the Indian Navy have conducted various joint survey operations with friendly foreign nations covering an area of 89000sq km. 

Indian Defence Minister unveils Navigation charts of Mauritius

Commemorating Hydrography Day 2023, Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh visited Indian Navy’s Southern Naval Command(Training Command) in Kochi, Kerala and unveiled navigation charts compiled by Indian Hydrographic vessels. Charts of Mauritius, the inner harbour of Port Blair were unveiled during a ceremony onboard Indian Naval Ships Jamuna, Sarvekshak and Investigator, the indigenously built survey ships of the Indian Navy.

On this occasion, the Defence Minister also interacted with the foreign trainees from Nigeria, Ghana, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, who are undergoing training at the National Institute of Hydrography.

The event was hosted by Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of Naval Staff. Vice Admiral Adhir Arora, Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India, Vice Admiral Krishna Swaminathan, Controller of Personnel Services, Rear Admiral J Singh, Chief of Staff, Southern Naval Command and other Flag Officers were also present on the occasion.

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