Sarah Godlewski campaign, via Instagram
Wisconsin Treasurer Sarah Godlewski dropped out of the state’s Democratic U.S. Senate primary Friday, clearing the path for Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes to win the nomination on Aug. 9.
Barnes is going to be the party’s nominee to take on Republican Senator Ron Johnson, a top target for Democrats this year.
Godlewski’s departure is the third notable Democratic candidate to drop out and endorse Barnes in the last week. County executive Tom Nelson and Alex Lasry, an executive of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, dropped out earlier this week.
All their names will still appear on the primary ballot.
Lasry and Godlewski funneled millions of their own money into their candidacies. Godlewski put at least $4 million into her campaign while Lasry used over $15 million of his fortune, according to the latest campaign finance reports. Lasry is still active in the race on the air and began airing a T.V. ad Friday that backs Barnes and criticizes Johnson for comments made about outsourced jobs.
“This campaign may be over, but our fight isn’t. The only way to beat Ron Johnson, re-elect Tony Evers, and make sure Democrats win down the ticket is if we’re in this together,” Godlewski said in her announcement.
In a statement about his latest primary opponent dropping out to back him, Barnes thanked Godlewski and said, “[W]e are in a stronger position than we have ever been to defeat Ron Johnson once and for all.”
“This week has demonstrated what it looks like when we come together for a goal that is greater than ourselves. We are building a coalition that crosses generations, crosses racial divides and political divides,” he added. “That’s how we beat Scott Walker in 2018 with the highest midterm turnout on record. By bringing everyone together from every corner of the state.”
Johnson tweeted that Godlewski’s departure from the race shows “their lack of respect for voters and the democratic process,” adding, “the power brokers of the Democrat party have now cleared the field for their most radical left candidate.”
“Socialist policies have produced this mess, & a radical left Senator from Wisconsin is not the solution,” Johnson said.