If you’ve ever been unsure about how you’re doing behind the wheel, Delaware transportation officials have you covered.
The Delaware Department of Transportation will install 11 “emotive radar signs” statewide later this year that will display a happy face or sad face depending on a driver’s speed. The signs are part of a pilot program designed to address excessive speeding on Delaware’s roads.
If you are at or under the speed limit, the sign will show a happy face. Any speed above the limit will cause a sad face to display.
About a dozen of the emoji signs will be placed on the following roads throughout the state:
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New Castle County locations
- Grubb Road
- Marsh Road
- Mt. Lebanon Road
- Milltown Road
- Glasgow Avenue
- Kirkwood St. Georges Road
Kent County locations
- Forrest Avenue
- Peachtree Run
- Johnson Road
Sussex County locations
- Long Neck Road
- Bayard Road
These are not enforcement devices so no penalty will be associated with these signs. According to C.R McLeod, DelDOT’s director of community relations, the department will monitor the signs’ effectiveness over the next year before deciding whether to replicate the signs in other locations.
Speeding was the primary factor in 252 crashes last year and one of the public’s biggest points of concern to DelDOT and law enforcement.
Contact Molly McVety at mmcvety@delawareonline.com. Follow her on Twitter @mollymcvety.