What happened this week? Take our quiz

1: Which country became the first to grant legal rights to wild animals?

 a) Nigeria

 b) Ethiopia 

 c) Democratic Republic of the Congo

 d) Ecuador

2: Which country has been suspended from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) after being accused of violating human rights by its troops?

 a) Russia

 b) China

 c) Tanzania

 d) Ecuador

3: Which organisation just released the ‘Making Peace with Nature’ report that was recently in the news?

 a) Conservation International

 b) World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

 c) UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

 d) World Economic Forum

4:China indefinitely suspended all activities under the Strategic Economic Dialogue with which country?

 a) India

 b) Australia

 c) North Korea

 d) Russia

5: Which Indian state unveiled its ‘Space Tech’ Framework and had a Metaverse launch event?

 a) Maharashtra

 b) Telangana

 c) Gujarat

 d) Kerala

6: What is India’s GDP prediction for fiscal year 2022-23, according to the World Bank’s April update?

 a) 7.5 %

 b) 8.0 %

 c) 8.5 %

 d)9.0 %

7: In March, Samia Suluhu Hassan made history by becoming the first female president of which African country?

 a) South Africa


 c) Libya


8: Which country is affiliated with the ‘Neptune Missile system,’ which was responsible for the sinking of the warship Moskva?

a) Russia

b) Saudi Arabia

c) Ukraine

d) UAE

9: Consider the following pairs.

Places in news — Location

1. Donbas        Israel

2. Mariupol      Ukraine

Which of the above pairs is/are correct?

Select the correct code.

 a) 1 only

 b) 2 only

 c) Both 1 and 2

 d) Neither 1 nor 2

10: As per latest reports, which country is the world’s largest consumer of gold?

a) India

b) China

c) USA

d) Australia


1:Ecuador 2:Russia 3: UN Environment Programme (UNEP) 4:Australia 5: Telangana   6:8.0 % 7: Tanzania 8:Ukraine  9:2 only 10: China

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