Fourth of July and fireworks go hand in hand, but while millions of Americans enjoy colorful explosions outdoors this year, many pets will be frightened by the accompanying booms, bangs and shrieks.
If you have a dog or cat in your life, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they are very sensitive to loud sounds. Even a soft knock on the door can set them off and awake them from a deep slumber. And a knock on the door doesn’t compare with the raucous fireworks displays that celebrate our nation’s independence.
But there are multiple ways to reduce a pet’s anxiety and fear triggered by fireworks.
Keep pets indoors
The simplest remedy is to keep pets indoors and away from windows. While it may seem straightforward, even putting a pet in the most interior room of a house or building can significantly reduce the sound of fireworks from traveling to a pet’s ears.
Closing the blinds and curtains in rooms also can keep bright flashes from scaring your pets. If you choose to keep your pet in a crate or kennel, consider putting a blanket over it.
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Look into wearables
If you are considering taking your dog or cat to a fireworks show, consider using wearable items designed to help calm down pets.
One option is a Thundershirt, a popular jacket for dogs that applies pressure to the animal’s torso. Thundershirts are recommended for fireworks, thunder, separation anxiety and travel, making it a viable solution for dogs that may be scared during firework season.
Distract your pet and keep it occupied

Sometimes the best solution to a problem is a distraction. For pets, these distractions can be as simple as giving them a toy to keep them busy. Any puzzle or time-consuming toy can be a great choice because fireworks shows can last for a significant amount of time.
Turning the television or radio on also can give pets noise that they are accustomed to and keep them from getting startled by fireworks explosions.
A more intricate distraction is to play calm, soothing music. Amazon’s Alexa will even take care of the playlist for you with its “Calm My Cat” feature that has specially crafted music to reduce a cat’s anxiety.
Delaware and Maryland firework shows:Looking for Delaware, Maryland fireworks? Here is our list for 4th of July shows
Safety comes first:Are fireworks legal in my state? Check these laws before celebrating the Fourth of July
If needed, speak to a vet
If needed, anti-anxiety medication prescribed by a veterinarian may be the right course of action. These drugs can help calm down animals and limit reactions to the noises outside.