Water companies in UK released raw sewage into bathing areas, claims study

According to reports, untreated sewage poured into England’s coastal bathing areas at a record level.

Data showed the sewage amounted to over 160,000 hours as water companies released sewage 25,000 times into bathing waters off the English coast.

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A study claimed Morecambe south beach was the worst hit. A utility company named Southern Water in the UK was earlier fined £90 million for spilling sewage into Hampshire and Kent coastal waters.

The report claimed South West Water had poured sewage into bathing areas for over 43,000 hours with  Ilfracombe’s Wildersmouth beach receiving over 1800 hours of sewage.

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According to a report, water firms released raw sewage into rivers and coastal waters for 2.7 million hours in 2021. The companies included United Utilities, Severn Trent Water, Yorkshire Water, and South West Water among others.

The report said businesses discharged raw sewage into rivers 72,533 times in 2021.

(With inputs from Agencies)

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