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A U.S. Postal Service mail carrier was robbed at gunpoint this week while delivering mail in Washington, D.C., police said.
The gunman approached the carrier on Monday and pointed the weapon at the right side of his neck and then his ribcage, according to a Metropolitan Police Department report obtained by Fox News.
The suspect told the victim to give him his keys. He said “give it [keys] to me and get out,” according to the report.
A U.S. Postal Service mail carrier was robbed at gunpoint in Washington, D.C., this week, authorities said.
The mail carrier complied and told police he saw the suspect flee in an unknown direction. The victim left the area and called his supervisor and police, authorities said.
He was not injured. Fox News has reached out to the Postal Service.
Mail carriers in Washington and Maryland have been targeted in recent weeks. Over a two-day period during the summer, there were at least six armed robberies against carriers.
“This alarming trend needs to stop,” U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) spokesman Michael Martel said at a press conference in July. “It is a sad state of things when it comes down to robberies against someone that provides an essential service to our communities. But it’s happening here, and it’s got to end.”