VIDEO: Republican leader Mitch McConnell freezes for 20 seconds during press conference

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell experienced a weird moment during a leadership press conference Wednesday afternoon. While delivering his opening statement, McConnell froze for nearly 20 seconds, leaving his colleagues and the members of the press in worry.

During his statement, McConnell spoke about the Senate’s progress on the annual defence authorisation bill and praised the positive bipartisan cooperation. 

However, it was then when he abruptly halted in the middle of a sentence, staring straight ahead without speaking another word.

Colleagues looked concerned

His sudden pause prompted a couple of his fellow leaders to express concern and reach out to see if he was doing good. 

Senate Republican Policy Committee Chairwoman Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) reached out and asked if he was okay, placing her hand on his arm. 

Senate Republican Conference Committee Chairman John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), who is also a doctor, inquired about his well-being and offered assistance, placing his hand on McConnell’s right forearm.

“Let’s go back to your office,” said Barrasso. “Do you want to say anything else to the press? Let’s go back.” However, McConnell seemed reluctant to leave the press conference.

Ultimately, Barrasso consulted with one of McConnell’s aides and then led him down the hall to his office. After a short while, McConnell returned to the press conference before his fellow leaders had finished their remarks, as he customarily does every Wednesday.

‘I’m fine,’ says McConnell 

CNN’s Manu Raju later questioned McConnell about the incident and whether it was related to health issues stemming from a previous concussion he suffered earlier that year. 

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McConnell responded, denying any connection and asserting that he was fine and capable of carrying out his duties. “No, I’m fine,” he said.

When further probed by the reporter, McConnell reiterated that he was indeed well. 

An aide to McConnell later explained that the GOP leader had felt lightheaded and stepped away for a brief moment. However, upon his return to handle the question and answer session, observers noted his sharp responses.

Earlier in the year, McConnell had been hospitalised and treated for a concussion he sustained after a fall at a private dinner on March 9 at the Waldorf Astoria.

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