US President Joe Biden’s approval rating take a tumble, dip below Donald Trump’s

Facing heat from several quarters, US President Joe Biden’s popularity has dipped spectacularly. Now, his approval ratings have taken a tumble as well. Reportedly, Biden’s current approval ratings fare lower than what his infamous predecessor, Donald Trump, ever managed to achieve during his four tumultuous years in the office, where he was impeached twice. 

The poll conducted by CNN shows that Biden’s approval rating stood at 38 per cent while 62 per cent disapproved of his presidentship. On the economic front, Biden has an approval rating of only 30 per cent. The figures become grim when one notes that Trump’s lowest economic approval rating was 41 per cent which came way back in 2018. 

Moreover, ahead of the midterms, the swing states haven’t been kind to Biden either. His net approval ratings in Ohio (-23), Arizona (-20), Wisconsin (-18) and Pennsylvania (-19) paint a grim picture and suggest that the battle may be uphill. 

Democrats starting to lose confidence

While the palpable public anger is understandable, it appears that Biden is also losing the confidence of his colleagues. Reportedly, the President’s approval rating for the handling of the economy has dwindled from 71 per cent, earlier this year to 62 per cent amongst the Democrats in the recent survey. 

Even his handling of the Ukraine crisis has been met with overwhelming negativity as 54 per cent disapprove of him. As for the immigration issue, which was one of the poll planks for the Democrat President, only 39 per cent approve of Biden’s work. 

Ever since Joe Biden gained keys to the White House, 44 months back, he has had to tackle a raging pandemic, which has now snowballed into sky-high inflation, sending the economy into a tailspin. The middle-class of America is struggling to make the ends meet and is perhaps, the biggest reason for Biden’s dismal performance in the survey. 

Read More: Joe Biden mulls declaring ‘Climate Change Emergency’ but can he fight off his colleagues?

Approval ratings can be deceiving at times but the way Biden has conducted himself in the office leaves much to be desired. The President is on the precipice of declaring a climate emergency and if that happens, his approval ratings may take another round of severe beating. 

(With inputs from agencies)


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