US Midterms: Twitter boss Elon Musk asks US voters to vote for ‘Republican Congress’

In a huge development that can be seen as his political endorsement, Twitter boss Elon Musk has explicitly appealed American voters to vote for ‘Republican Congress’ in midterm elections due on November 8. 

The tweet by the billionaire is addressed to ‘independent-minded voters’ but such an appeal by the world’s richest man, just short of explicit endorsement is likely to be seen as a clear backing to the Republican Party.

“To independent-minded voters: Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic,” said Musk in his tweet



Musk shortly followed up the tweet above with another one attempting to explain his logic and stressing that he was speaking to ‘independent voters’.

“Hardcore Democrats or Republicans never vote for the other side, so independent voters are the ones who actually decide who’s in charge!” he said in the follow up tweet.


The upcoming midterm elections are being considered to be a tough trek for US President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party. It is being considered that the mood of the electorate is pro-Republican Party. Former US president Donald Trump, a Republican, has given hint of running for president again in 2024. All these developments point at a favourable momentum for Republican Party.

An ‘almost endorsement’ from a person like Musk is likely to stir the pot even more.

Elon Musk has recently acquired Twitter, the social media platform which significantly influences popular and political discussions in the digital world. Musk, himself an avid tweeter, is considered by many to be a right winger. It was predicted that under him, Twitter would assume a slant towards the Right.

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