UK report finds massive anti-Hindu hate in schools

A new report highlights that anti-Hindu hate is quite prevalent in British schools. The report titled – ‘Anti-Hindu Hate in Schools’ – stands out at the time when a Hindu, Rishi Sunak, is the prime minister of the country. 

The report was released by a UK-based counter-terrorism think-tank society, the Henry Jackson Society on Wednesday (April 19). It stated that 51 per cent of Hindu parents surveyed reported that their child has suffered anti-Hindu hate at school. 

The report also found that teaching Hinduism was reported by some participants of the study as fostering religious discrimination towards Hindu pupils. 

It mentioned that incidents such as Hindu pupils being bullied to convert to Islam, beef being thrown at another student, etc are among some examples that have been recorded and were faced by Hindu students. 

The survey, which covered 988 Hindu parents and more than 1,000 schools around the country, concluded, “This report highlights the prevalence of discrimination against Hindus in British schools, with 51 per cent of Hindu parents surveyed reporting that their child has suffered anti-Hindu hate at school.” 

“The findings underscore the urgent need for greater awareness and understanding of the Hindu experience in schools and further research into other lesser-known types of prejudices that may be manifesting in Britain’s classrooms. It highlights the need for more specific and accurate reporting mechanisms to capture such incidents,” it noted. 

As quoted by a news agency, Ben Everitt, Conservative MP for Milton Keynes, told The Telegraph that the findings were “damning” and called for urgent improvements to religious education. 

“The findings in this report are damning and shed light on the varying themes and forms in which anti-Hindu discrimination materialises in the classroom,” he said. 

(With inputs from agencies) 

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