Two orphaned black bear cubs find friendship at Wildlife Center of Virginia

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Two black bear cubs found orphaned during the month of March are finding comfort in one another at the Wildlife Center of Virginia.

According to the center, a young male cub was found in Scott County after the den he was living in was disturbed. When the mother bear fled with four of her cubs, she reportedly left this one behind.

The Department of Wildlife Resources initially wanted to reunite the family, according to the center. However, when this did not seem possible within two days, the department instead brought the cub to the Wildlife Center, which admitted him on Wednesday, March 27.

The cub was in overall good health, though he was dehydrated and a bit thin. According to the center, its staff immediately began bottle-feeding the cub electrolytes to help rehydrate him. He was being fed three times a day as of March 29.

This new admission is about the same weight — though a bit smaller — and approximate age as another cub currently under the center’s care. Earlier in the month, on March 15, a male black bear cub was rescued from an active brush fire in Wythe County.

Ongoing fire prevented biologists with the Department of Wildlife Resources — who found the cub crying in a brush pile — from safely reuniting him with his mother, who appeared to have fled the fire.

This cub was examined at the center and found to have potentially inhaled smoke. His care has been ongoing steadily and, according to the center, he has been doing well. The cub is gaining weight and being fed regularly.

On March 28, center staff decided to introduce the two bear cubs, hoping that they would be able to bond with one another.

According to the center, the cubs immediately began playing with one another, clearly happy to socialize with another black bear of similar age and size.

Their play will continue to be supervised as they warm up to one another. According to the center, the eventual goal will be to make them “permanent roommates.”

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