Trump says would let Russia ‘do whatever the hell it wants’ to NATO allies that don’t pay enough

Former president Donald Trump said on Saturday (Feb 10) that he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” if it attacked a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) country that didn’t pay enough to meet spending targets. 

Speaking at a rally in South Carolina, the Republican front-runner said that the United States would not protect a NATO member that fails to meet its defence spending target. 

The former president also recalled an exchange with the leader of a “big country” when he was in office who asked whether they would be protected if Russia attacked. 

“One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay, and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay, you’re delinquent?'” 

“No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills,” Trump added, talking in a hypothetical scenario. 

The members of the NATO alliance abide by Article 5, which states that if a NATO nation is ever attacked, each and every other member of the alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against them. In retaliation, they are bound to take the actions they deem necessary to assist the ally that is under attack. 

The remarks come at a time when US lawmakers are debating new aid for Ukraine as the US Senate will try to move closer to passing a $95.34 billion aid package for the war-ravaged nation, and also for Israel and Taiwan. 

The legislation needs 60 votes to overcome a procedural hurdle and continue toward Senate passage in the coming days. It could move more quickly if Democrats and Republicans reach an agreement to fast-track the measure. 

White House reaction 

The White House hit back at Trump’s assertions, touting President Joe Biden’s efforts to bolster alliances around the globe. 

“Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement Saturday night.

“Rather than calling for wars and promoting deranged chaos, President Biden will continue to bolster American leadership,” Bates added. 

Disclaimer: A number of claims and counterclaims are being made on Ukraine-Russia war on the ground and online. While WION takes utmost care to accurately and responsibly report ongoing developments, we cannot independently verify the authenticity of all statements, photos and videos 

(With inputs from agencies)

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