Top 10: Kazakh President instructs military to use force, Omicron spreads in vaccinated people, and more

In a strange incident, an SUV filled with ten bodies was left outside the office of a Mexican state governor, located in a public square, which was lit up with Christmas decor all around. Also, anti-vaccine podcaster died after he was infected with COVID-19 while attending a conspiracy conference that eventually became a super-spreader.

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Kazakh President Tokayev to troops: ‘Open fire to kill terrorists without warning’

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the president of Kazakhstan, announced on Friday that he has instructed the military and law enforcement agencies to use lethal force against terrorists, firing without warning. 

Anti-vaccine podcaster dies of Covid after attending conspiracy conference in US

An anti-vaccine podcaster died after he was infected with COVID-19 while attending a conspiracy conference that eventually became a super-spreader.

An anti-vaccine podcaster died after he was infected with COVID-19 while attending a conspiracy conference that eventually became a super-spreader.

Mexico: 10 bodies left in car outside a state governor’s office

In a strange incident, an SUV filled with ten bodies was left outside the office of a Mexican state governor, located in a public square, which was lit up with Christmas decor all around.

In a strange incident, an SUV filled with ten bodies was left outside the office of a Mexican state governor, located in a public square, which was lit up with Christmas decor all around. 

Japan highlights need for currency stability as value of yen decreases

Stressing on the need for currency stability, Japanese Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki said that he was watching market moves "carefully."

Stressing on the need for currency stability, Japanese Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki said that he was watching market moves “carefully.” 

Omicron more infectious than Delta? Experts reveal why is the variant affecting kids

Covid hospitalisations among children are rising in the US as the country continues to battle against the pandemic

Covid hospitalisations among children are rising in the US as the country continues to battle against the pandemic. 

India makes 7-day quarantine mandatory for all international passengers

In reaction to the exponential spike in Omicron cases, the Indian government released a revised guideline for overseas passengers on Friday.

In reaction to the exponential spike in Omicron cases, the Indian government released a revised guideline for overseas passengers on Friday.

In this German state, Omicron spreading among vaccinated people

The northern Bremen state in Germany has one of the highest COVID-19 vaccination rates in the country.

The northern Bremen state in Germany has one of the highest COVID-19 vaccination rates in the country.

Amid Djokovic’s detention controversy, Aussie PM Scott Morrison turns commentator during Ashes – WATCH

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison turned commentator during the third day's play of the ongoing fourth Ashes Test between Australia and England at the Sydney Cricket Ground in Sydney on Friday (January 07).

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison turned commentator during the third day’s play of the ongoing fourth Ashes Test between Australia and England at the Sydney Cricket Ground in Sydney on Friday (January 07). 

Exclusive: Jerusalem extremism analyst who predicted Jan 6 riots talks to WION

The United States mourned the 1st anniversary of the 2021 January 6 Capitol riots on Thursday.

The United States mourned the 1st anniversary of the 2021 January 6 Capitol riots on Thursday. Videos from January 6, 2021, show the violence committed in the former president’s name. There are videos showing attackers beating security officers with iron bars and clubs, and a policeman is crushed and howling in pain in a doorway.

Indian Navy Ship lands in Comoros to provide technical assistance

Indian Naval Ship Kesari arrived at the port of Moroni, Comoros on Friday to extend technical assistance to the Comorian Coast Guard.

Indian Naval Ship Kesari arrived at the port of Moroni, Comoros on Friday to extend technical assistance to the Comorian Coast Guard.

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