The life of William M. Metten Jr., better known as ‘Mr. Delaware’

William Murray Metten Jr. lived by a simple rule: Leave the world better than he found it.

Whether that be through raising money to create the Police Athletic League of Delaware building in Hockessin or cleaning litter off the beach, Metten Jr. did his best to improve his beloved home state. He even tried to pick up a piece of trash in the parking lot on his last beach trip before his death this past Wednesday.

“I’ve heard him say over the years [he] would always like to leave the woodpile a little higher than when [he] came into this world,” said his wife Nancy Metten. “And I really think he did.”

William Metten Jr. stands with his wife, Nancy Metten.

Metten Jr. was born in Wilmington in 1940 to a family deeply embedded in the Delaware community. His grandfather William F. Metten was the publisher of Every Evening, the Wilmington-based publication that later became The News Journal.

“He’s got the newspaper blood in his veins,” Nancy Metten said.

She recalled her husband of 53 years telling her about visiting the Every Evening office downtown. His grandpa would take him to see the printing presses, she said, and the employees would always make him a hat out of folded-up newspapers.

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