A Port Arthur, Texas, 1-year-old baby went into cardiac arrest this week after being exposed to a suspected illegal substance that resulted in a white residue under the infant’s nose.
Now, the infant’s mother, 30-year-old Ava Chambers, is facing charges.
Ava Chambers booking photo (Port Arthur Police)
Officers with the Port Arthur Police Department responded to a 911 call on Sunday — which happened to be Mother’s Day — from the Exceptional Emergency Center.
When the officers arrived, they discovered an infant who was suspected to have been exposed to what police believed was an illegal substance after hearing reports the baby was holding a small, clear bag and had a white substance around the nose, resulting in cardiac arrest.
The baby was taken from the Exceptional Emergency Center to the Medical Center of Southeast Texas in Port Arthur, before being transported to another hospital in Houston, where the child is recovering, the Port Arthur News reported Thursday.

Crime scene tape and police siren lights. (iStock)
The same day, Chambers was arrested and charged with injury to a child.
Her bond was set at $15,000 plus another $3,000 for a warrant in connection to a controlled substance possession charge, according to FOX 4 in Beaumont, Texas.
Chambers posted bond Monday.