Teens jump off bridge to save 15-year-old from drowning in Barnstable

CENTERVILLE – An afternoon of fun and fishing for young friends from New York Wednesday quickly turned tense when they watched a stranger jump off a bridge into the Centerville River near Craigville Beach.

“He was bobbing up and down in the water and then he went under, and I couldn’t see him,” Will Anagnos said. “I didn’t really know what to do. I just pulled him out from under the water and then I brought him back to shore.”

Firefighters credit Will and his friends for saving the 15-year-old’s life. Will’s mother credits years of swim lessons, water safety, and his experience as an Eagle Scout.

“He’s had some training in swimming and things and what to do when there’s an emergency,” Will’s mother Gidget Anagnos said. “You don’t really think about it, you just do it.”

The victim was unconscious as the boys pulled him out. Emergency responders arrived moments later.

“I feel good, we saved someone’s life,” said Kyle Richardson. “But it was kind of scary in the moment. Really nerve-wracking.”

“My kids are humble, and they do the right thing when needed,” Gidget said. “He pulled it off today. I’m overwhelmed.”

A fire official said the 15-year-old was rushed as a priority patient to Cape Cod Hospital with serious injuries. 

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