Watch | US restaurant makes spooky claim, says ‘ghost’ set off its motion detector alarms

A restaurant in the United States left everyone surprised with their spooky claim, days ahead of…

Humanity’s next big ‘catastrophe’ could lie in the Sun, predict scientists

How will the world end? A flood that drowns everyone? A fiery meteor that herds us…

UK to install first-of-its-kind sculpture honouring the ‘Strength of Hijab’

The United Kingdom is set to unveil a new sculpture that, as per reports, will be…

‘What animals go through,’ beach goers rescue three seal pups caught in fishing net. Watch video here

Beach goers at a South African beach on Saturday rescued three small seal pups from the…

Japan Airlines is asking passengers to travel without clothes. Here’s why

Vacations can be exciting and stressful at the same time. Source link

Travel lighter and greener: This airlines wants passengers to leave luggage at home. Here’s why

Vacations can be exciting and stressful at the same time. Source link

Watch | Rare blue supermoon, which will appear after 14 years, dazzles night skies across the world

The rare blue supermoon, which will not appear for the next 14 years, dazzled the night…

Drink and drive? Japanese police use unique approach to show dangers of drunk driving

In a rather unconventional approach to combat drink-driving, Japanese police are now encouraging individuals to consume…

Facebook, Google, YouTube pushing harmful ‘misogynistic’ trends like ‘yoni pearls’ to Kenyan women

In a patriarchal society, a woman’s worth has long been attached to her vagina and its…

‘If looks could kill’: Hong Kong asks citizens to ‘stare’ at people smoking in public

As per the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1.3 billion people smoke tobacco around the world.…