Uber admits concealing the 2016 data leak of 57 million passengers; avoids criminal charges

Already reeling under pressure from the allegations of sexual assault and kidnapping by over 550 women,…

US President Joe Biden’s approval rating take a tumble, dip below Donald Trump’s

Facing heat from several quarters, US President Joe Biden’s popularity has dipped spectacularly. Now, his approval…

New York: People queue up in long lines for monkeypox vaccine

New Yorkers stood in a long line on Sunday (July 17) to get themselves vaccinated against…

‘Double the climate financing’, Pacific Forum members call for action from biggest emitters of carbon

The four-day summit of the Pacific Islands Forum held in the capital city of Suva in…

US Capitol attack was an ‘attempted coup’, says investigating committee 

The head of the US Congressional Committee investigating deadly Capitol riots said that the attack was…

US VP Kamala Harris announces USD 3.2 billion migration fund for Central American countries

US President Kamala Harris announced on Tuesday a fresh USD 1.9 billion in private sector funding…

Russia announces personal sanctions on 61 top US officials

Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday (June 6) that Moscow had imposed personal sanctions on 61…

US-backed force in Syria warns against Turkish plans of new attack

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) the US-backed side in the Syrian war said on Thursday that Turkey’s…

Monkeypox: Russia alleges US labs in Nigeria spreading the disease

Russia has claimed that US has biolabs in Nigerian cities that have been responsible for spread…

Broken back leads to cancer discovery for Marine Corps veteran

CINCINNATI — A freak accident while celebrating his oldest son’s birthday turned into a discovery Grant…