Face The Nation: Warnock, Montoya-Galvez, Vinograd

Face The Nation: Warnock, Montoya-Galvez, Vinograd – CBS News Watch CBS News Missed the second half…

Sen. Raphael Warnock says

Sen. Raphael Warnock says “Georgia voters are going to do for Joe Biden what they did…

Why Black voters are more important in Georgia than in any other state | CNN Politics

CNN  —  President Joe Biden is heading back to Georgia. On the eve of Martin Luther…

Black voter turnout was down in 2022. Democratic operatives are panicking about what it could mean for 2024 | CNN Politics

CNN  —  An informal group of Black elected officials has lit up over phone calls and…

Strong midterm turnout in Georgia sparks new debate about a controversial election law | CNN Politics

CNN  —  The strong turnout in Georgia’s runoff election that cemented Democrats’ control of the US…

Raphael Warnock’s win in Georgia runoff extends Democrats’ Senate majority

Raphael Warnock’s win in Georgia runoff extends Democrats’ Senate majority – CBS News Watch CBS News…

Warnock beats Walker in Georgia runoff, wins re-election

Warnock beats Walker in Georgia runoff, wins re-election – CBS News Watch CBS News Georgia elected…

In Warnock’s win, White House sees capstone validation that big legislative wins broke through | CNN Politics

CNN  —  As White House officials reflected on the final Democratic victory of a history-defying midterm…

The difference a 51-49 Senate majority makes to Democrats

Democrats were going to control the Senate in January regardless of the outcome of Tuesday night’s…

Warnock honored 5 civil rights ‘martyrs’ in his victory speech. Here are their stories | CNN

CNN  —  Sen. Raphael Warnock’s re-election is being celebrated by supporters across the nation with many…