Kamala Harris Fast Facts | CNN Politics

CNN  —  Here is a look at the life of Vice President Kamala Harris. Birth date:…

9 places where you can walk in MLK Jr.’s footsteps | CNN

Editor’s Note: Sign up for Unlocking the World, CNN Travel’s weekly newsletter. Get news about destinations…

Civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson to step down as Rainbow PUSH Coalition president | CNN

CNN  —  Civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson announced plans to step down as president…

As the nation celebrates Juneteenth, it’s time to get rid of these three myths about slavery | CNN

CNN  —  Temple “Tempie” Cummins stoically stares at the camera with her arms folded in her…

Black Americans are getting support for reparations from other multiracial groups | CNN

CNN  —  Amy Iwasaki Mass knows the power of apology and reparations. She was in the…

Texas representative becomes first Black woman Democrat to play in Congressional Baseball Game | CNN Politics

CNN  —  Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett broke new ground Wednesday night as the first Black woman…

Aramark apologizes for insensitivity of school lunch served on first day of Black History Month | CNN

CNN  —  A middle school in New York and its food vendor, Aramark, apologized after students…

Opinion: Where ‘Black power’ came from | CNN

Editor’s Note: Mark Whitaker is the author of the forthcoming book “Saying It Loud: 1966 –The…

Statue of late civil rights icon John Lewis will be erected in his congressional district where a confederate monument once stood | CNN

CNN  —  A statue of the late civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis will now keep…

Lena Horne becomes first Black woman to have a Broadway theater named after her

CNN  —  A theater on Broadway has been officially renamed in honor of the late actress…