Twitter takeover bid: Porus Parag and Alexander Musk must make Asia wary of a US cyber empire

Life in its own way is difficult when you are Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest man…

Why are parties to Russia-Ukraine war prolonging it?

Backdrop  Russia Ukraine War seems to be entering a deadly phase after seven months, witnessing significant…

Will Ukrainian battlefield successes kill nuclear deterrence?

The post-Second World War decadal confrontation between the former USSR and the West, known as the…

Is global peace possible?

Against the backdrop of Cold War 2.0, the prelude to which is the War of Ukraine,…

WION Spotlight | Truss, Sunak & Vajpayee: Devil is in the detail 

When it comes to well-known public figures it is the little-known tidbits about them that are…

Sheikh Hasina in India: Renewing friendship between neighbours

New Delhi has welcomed its staunchest friend in the neighborhood, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Most…

Terror blasts in Kabul mosque, and global implications 

All those who were rejoicing over the Taliban coming back to power in Afghanistan a year…

Spotlight | China & India slug it out in Colombo

Smaller South Asian nations, far from being meeting ground, are actually a battleground for the Asian…

Is water going to be the next reason for global crisis?

So we all know about the Oil Crisis (1973–74, 1979, Gulf War, etc.). But what if…

Change of leadership in Sri Lanka but the crisis is far from over

For past several months, Sri Lanka is witnessing serious political instability and unprecedented economic turmoil. The…