Redistricting fights in these 10 states could determine which party controls the US House | CNN Politics

CNN  —  Around the country, politicians are waging high-stakes battles over new congressional lines that could…

Holocaust survivor visiting Israel safely escapes as war breaks out | CNN

Los Angeles CNN  —  “It went from wonderful to horrible in an instant,” Charlotte Hauptman said…

North Carolina Republicans unveil map proposals that could help GOP gain up to four House seats in 2024 | CNN Politics

CNN  —  Republican legislators in North Carolina on Wednesday released two redistricting proposals that could put…

A ransom note, fingerprints and cell phone pings. How New York police tracked down a missing 9-year-old girl and the suspect in her disappearance | CNN

CNN  —  A ransom note dropped in the mailbox at the home of missing 9-year-old Charlotte…

Parents of 9-year-old who went missing on New York camping trip received ransom note before daughter was found, governor says | CNN

CNN  —  Charlotte Sena, the 9-year-old girl who went missing while on a camping trip at…

Federal judge blocks two provisions of North Carolina near-total ban on abortions after 12 weeks, ruling in favor of advocacy groups | CNN

CNN  —  A federal judge on Saturday blocked two provisions of a near-total ban on abortions…

A woman died after falling from a cliff at a Blue Ridge Parkway scenic overlook in North Carolina

BLACK MOUNTAIN, N.C. (AP) — A South Carolina woman died after falling from a scenic overlook…

Tropical Storm Ophelia lashes parts of the East Coast as it nears North Carolina ahead of landfall | CNN

CNN  —  Tropical Storm Ophelia is delivering strong winds and rain early Saturday to the coasts…

Southern East Coast hit by flooding as Ophelia weakens to tropical depression and moves north

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Residents in parts of coastal North Carolina and Virginia experienced flooding Saturday…

Critics of North Carolina school athletics governing body pass bill ordering more oversight

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina legislators have ordered additional oversight of the chief nonprofit body…