What happened to the G20’s new world order? | CNN

CNN  —  At the G20 summit in London in 2009, Britain’s then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown heralded…

China signals Xi Jinping will not attend G20 summit in India | CNN

CNN  —  China on Monday issued the clearest sign yet its leader Xi Jinping will skip…

India launches first mission following its historic moon landing | CNN

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries,…

Former International Space Station commander hails India’s rise as space power

As India’s inaugural solar mission, Aditya-L1, begins its countdown towards the Sun, former International Space Station…

New Delhi doesn’t want its monkeys to ruin G20. But it has a plan | CNN

CNN  —  Authorities in India are determined to keep a lid on any monkey business ahead…

India tells US to unfreeze funds of two firms accused of trading with Russia

India has told the US that it should unfreeze funds worth $26 million belonging to two…

China asks India to not ‘over-interpret’ latest ‘distorted’ map release

China asks India to not 'over-interpret' latest 'distorted' map release Source link

Ahead of G-20 summit, China wrongly depicts parts of India as Chinese territories

Less than a week after India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese leader Xi Jinping stood…

BRICS expansion is a big win for China. But can it really work as a counterweight to the West? | CNN

CNN  —  When leaders of the BRICS nations gathered for group photos at the end of…

Climate change has ravaged India’s rice stock. Now its export ban could deepen a global food crisis | CNN Business

Harayana, India CNN  —  Satish Kumar sits in front of his submerged rice paddy in India’s…