University of Idaho delays demolition of home where 4 students were killed | CNN

CNN  —  The planned demolition of the house where four University of Idaho students were stabbed…

Texas A&M recruited a UT professor to revive its journalism program, then backtracked after “DEI hysteria”

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University of North Texas can charge out-of-state students higher tuition than undocumented Texans, appeals court rules

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Help us report on how the return of student loan repayments will affect Texans

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1.4 million Texans’ student debts won’t be canceled. But a new loan repayment plan could bring savings.

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As race-neutral college admissions begin, Texas counselors work to convince students of color they still belong

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He crushed the bar exam, but the legal profession remains disproportionately White | CNN

CNN  —  Matthew Graham owes his new career path to his fraternity brothers and Thurgood Marshall,…

‘Race neutral’ replaces affirmative action. What’s next? | CNN Politics

A version of this story appears in CNN’s What Matters newsletter. To get it in your…

Nearly 1.4 million Texans could be impacted by U.S. Supreme Court decision blocking student loan forgiveness

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The gutting of affirmative action is a ‘clear and present danger’ to equal education, critics say | CNN

CNN  —  The Supreme Court’s landmark decision to bar colleges and universities from considering race as…