Speaker Johnson’s plan to prevent government shutdown faces hurdles

Speaker Johnson’s plan to prevent government shutdown faces hurdles – CBS News Watch CBS News Over…

Proposed government funding plan draws criticism with 5 days to avert shutdown

Proposed government funding plan draws criticism with 5 days to avert shutdown – CBS News Watch…

House Speaker Mike Johnson proposes 2-step stopgap funding bill to avert government shutdown

House Speaker Mike Johnson unveiled his proposal on Saturday to avoid a partial government shutdown by…

Congress no closer to funding government before next week’s shutdown deadline

Washington — Congress is veering toward another shutdown, having made little progress in advancing bills to…

Steve Scalise drops out of House speaker race amid GOP leadership crisis

Steve Scalise drops out of House speaker race amid GOP leadership crisis – CBS News Watch…

Rep. Gaetz says he will file a motion this week to oust Speaker McCarthy

Rep. Gaetz says he will file a motion this week to oust Speaker McCarthy – CBS…

Fighting continues after deal reached to temporarily fund government

Fighting continues after deal reached to temporarily fund government – CBS News Watch CBS News A…

Open: This is

Open: This is “Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan,” Oct. 1, 2023 – CBS News Watch…

Robert Reich on the narrowly-avoided government shutdown: Republicans holding America hostage

Robert Reich on GOP extremists holding America hostage Robert Reich on GOP extremists holding America hostage…

Government shutdown is averted, but for how long?

Government shutdown is averted, but for how long? – CBS News Watch CBS News An 11th…