874 cars were torched in France on New Year’s Eve

But with coronavirus-related restrictions in place, that figure is lower than in previous years, according to…

Russian court shuts down Memorial Human Rights Center, day after sister group ordered closed

The center was charged with multiple violations of Russia’s “foreign agent” law and “justifying terrorism and…

Russian court shuts down human rights group Memorial International

Memorial International studies historical abuses by the former Soviet Union and offers support to its victims.…

NATO says its jets scrambled hundreds of times against Russia in 2021 to guard allies’ airspace

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) on Tuesday said that it had to scramble fighter jets…

Drugs, violence and racism are creating a ‘cocktail of neglect’ in Marseille

Ahead of the French presidential election early next year, Marseille looks set to become a battleground…

Not withholding gas supplies to Europe, says Russia

Russia’s state-run energy giant Gazprom on Saturday (local time) rejected allegations of Russia limiting gas supply…

The Pope reflects on relationships in pandemic times in his traditional Christmas address

Speaking from the balcony overlooking St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, the Pontiff called the pandemic…

At least 16 people dead in Greek shipwreck

Authorities scrambled a search and rescue operation overnight northwest of Paros. Air and sea assets were…

History wars: What Putin’s attempts to rewrite the past say about Russia’s future

The history of the Cold War The Crimean resort town of Yalta was the setting for…