Paxton critics pile on, calling impeachment trial rigged

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Ken Paxton impeachment heightens political tension ahead of education special session

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For Paxton lawyers, the trial was a “sham.” House managers say it exposed a “corrupt politician.”

The Texas Tribune is your source for in-depth reporting on the Ken Paxton impeachment trial. Readers…

Dan Patrick, Dade Phelan trade potshots after impeachment trial ends

The Texas Tribune is your source for in-depth reporting on the Ken Paxton impeachment trial. Readers…

“Let’s clean house”: Paxton tells supporters to lead charge in removing his Republican rivals that impeached him

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After property-tax deal, Speaker Dade Phelan weighs in on leadership relations, next special session, reelection

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TribCast: Texas lawmakers approve property tax cuts after 7 months of trying

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Property tax special session is over, but months of acrimony could complicate Texas lawmakers’ mission as more work awaits

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Long-awaited $18 billion property tax-cut deal heads to Gov. Greg Abbott

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Texas House and Senate reach a deal on how to cut property taxes, ending monthslong impasse

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