France: Covid restrictions eased for vaccinated British travellers

France has eased Covid restrictions for British travellers who are fully vaccinated. These travellers will now…

Russia reports record daily Covid cases high

Russia on Thursday reported a record daily high of coronavirus cases. On Thursday (February 10), the…

No exit from zero-COVID-19: China struggles to find policy off-ramp

China’s “zero-COVID” stance has put it at odds with the rest of the world and is…

New research hints at 4 factors that may increase chances of long COVID

It is one of many mysteries about long COVID: Who is more prone to developing it?…

COVID-19: UK to remove restrictions for eligible vaccinated arrivals, including from India. See changed rules

The United Kingdom has made changes to coronavirus (COVID-19) testing measures for travellers arriving in the…

Rich countries luring foreign nurses even as poor countries suffer hospital staff shortage: Report

The current outbreak of COVID-19 triggered by the Omicron variant has led wealthy countries to hire…

Rich countries luring foreign nurses even as poor counties suffer hospital staff shortage: Report

The current outbreak of COVID-19 triggered by the Omicron variant has led wealthy countries to hire…

COVID-19 cases plummeting in Africa first time since Omicron wave: WHO

Cases of COVID-19 have plummeted in Africa and deaths are declining for the first time since the Omicron-dominated fourth wave…

Abu Dhabi requires booster shots to enter the emirate

Facing a nationwide surge in coronavirus cases fueled by the spread of the highly transmissible omicron…

One in ten COVID-19 patients could be infectious even after 10 days

Researchers in the United Kingdom discovered that even after a 10-day quarantine, some people who get…