Strangers are leaving strollers, car seats, winter coats and toys at the Polish border for Ukrainian refugees

Women and children have been forced to leave their fathers and brothers behind after the Ukrainian government enforced martial law, banning all-male citizens 18-60 years old from leaving the country, according to the State Border Guard.
Most of those who have fled have gone to Poland, to Ukraine’s west, with large numbers also entering Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Slovakia — the journey, in many cases, lasting several days.

They arrive with next to nothing.

A light at the end of the tunnel

That compassion greets the refugees the moment they step off their train onto the platform at the Przemyśl station.

Strollers, carriers, jackets, toys, stuffed animals, diapers, even walkers for the elderly, have filled the area alongside the railway.

Strollers for refugees and their babies fleeing the conflict from neighboring Ukraine.
Small mountains of clothing, shoes, jackets and outerwear fill cardboard boxes just outside of the Przemyśl train station at a refugee relocation center.

Everything is free.

Volunteers told CNN the amount of donations received from people in Poland was overwhelming. The generosity appears to be spread largely by word of mouth.

Car seats and carriers line the wall of the Przemyśl train station.

Przemyśl is the first train stop for refugees who enter Poland via the Medyka border crossing. Those who walk into the country have also been greeted by strollers, car seats, clothing and diapers.

The volunteer effort has become more organized over the past week. Dozens of volunteers with yellow vests, speaking multiple languages, are helping the refugees any way they can. They are now getting assistance from people from other European nations.

 Diapers, baby wipes and food items fill a room inside the Przemyśl train station.

And help isn’t just available in the form of physical supplies — some people have been holding up signs, offering rides to different places across Europe and volunteers are helping refugees find a place to stay — be it a school gymnasium or families who have offered to take in women and children.

Carboard boxes filled with toys and stuffed animals await new owners.

“What we fear is a second wave of persons who have a good deal less resources and connections and who will be much more vulnerable,” UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi warned.

CNN’s Scott McLean contributed to this report.

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