‘She was 12, I was 30’, Biden’s uncomfortable remark shocks the internet

US President Joe Biden has once again invited controversy after his rather uncomfortable statement about a friendship with a 12-year-old girl went viral on social media platforms. 

Reportedly, Biden was addressing teachers at the National Education Association headquarters in Washinton DC on Saturday when he made the digression. During the speech, Biden recognised a member of the audience and stopped and pointed at the person. 

“You gotta say hi to me. We go back a long way. She was 12, I was 30. But anyway, this woman helped me get an awful lot done,” the US President said referring to the audience member.

It is pertinent to note that Biden did not clear what the woman, who was a preteen at the time did for him. While the audience, mostly comprising of teachers and union members laughed at Biden’s remark, the netizens wore a shocked look.

One of the netizens commented on the video saying, “This is just plain creepy,” while another stated, “Joe Biden leaves half of us stunned and the other half totally creeped-out during his bizarre remarks to the NEA teachers union.”

Read more: ‘Location is everything’: Trump mocks Biden for getting back seat at Queen Elizabeth funeral

The US President has a history of being labelled ‘creepy’ by the netizens for his actions. On multiple occasions, Biden has been caught on camera attempting to sniff women.

Moreover, several women have complained about Biden’s past behaviour. Reportedly, former Nevada state assembly woman Lucy Flores in an essay stated that Biden invaded her personal space by smelling her hair and planting a slow kiss on the back of her head.

Similarly, Democratic aide Amy Lappos said Biden once put his hand around her neck and pulled her in to rub noses.




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