WATERLOO – An AWOL sex offender has been arrested after he was allegedly found masturbating in a women’s public restroom last week, a day after he fled a half-way house and ditched his GPS monitor.
Waterloo police arrested Jacob Lee Anthony Denniston, 30, on a charge of indecent exposure. He was also arrested for voluntary absence for leaving the halfway house and parole and probation violations.
Jacob Lee Anthony Denniston
According to court records, employees at Kwik Star at 506 W. Ninth St. noticed that someone had been inside the women’s restroom for more than an hour on Friday morning. A worked entered and found Denniston naked on the floor masturbating, according to court records.
This is the second time that Denniston has been accused of exposing himself in a store. In December 2020, Waterloo police arrested him after he allegedly exposed himself at a Crossroads Boulevard mattress store and then went to a nail salon where he undressed and locked himself in a room.
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He pleaded and was placed in the Waterloo Residential Corrections Facility with up to two years of probation. In May 2021, a week after his placement, he was released on a furlough to go to a store and the library. Corrections workers found him at the Adult Cinema on East Fourth Street that same day, according to court records.
He was charged with violating probation, sent to jail until March 22, 2022, when a bed became available at the residential facility. Two days later, he fled again while on a furlough, according to court records. Corrections workers found his GPS tracker discarded on the sidewalk on Commercial Street.