Sanna Marin seen dancing intimately with man in new leaked video: Report

Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland, has been captured in a video dancing intimately with a man, reports Euronews. The video, which reportedlly shows Marin in what appears to be a club is being shared on social media. This video is second video that purportedly shows the politician partying. Marin (36) drew criticism earlier this week for another video that showed her dancing in a party. There have been allegations that she was on drugs when she was recorded in the first video. The latest video is likely to sharpen criticism from political quarters.

“A new video has emerged of Prime Minister Sanna Marin dancing closely with a man who isn’t her husband, a day after leaked images showed her partying with friends. While Marin has faced backlash, the response to the videos at home and abroad has been broadly positive,” tweeted Euronews


In relation to the first leaked video, Marin has denied allegations that she had consumed drugs. On Friday (August 19) she said that she had taken a drug test. She said she had never used illegal drugs. She also said that she did not see anyone consuming drugs at the party

“I consider these accusations to be very serious and, though I consider the demand for a drug test unjust, for my own legal protection and to clear up any doubts, I have taken a drug test today, the results of which will come in about a week,” Marin told a news conference.

In 2019, Sanna Marin became world’s youngest serving government leader.

While many have praised Marin for combining her demanding job with an active private life, others have questioned her decision to allow herself to be filmed even when promised that the videos would not be made public.

(With inputs from agencies)

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